Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So obviously when traveling to Africa, or anywhere out of the country for that matter, you need to get your shots... Which was great fun. 7 in the right and left arm one day, followed by a series of 3 more, the last of which is scheduled to happen at 2 o clock today. We were immunized against just about everything including typhoid, rabies, H1N1, yellow fever, polio, Hep A and B, malaria and a few others... which is all very reassuring. Now instead of dying if I get bit by a rabid dog, I can last for up to 72 hours without treatment! Or something along those lines...

Mozambique the country

Our helpful little mirror reminder to take our typhoid pills...

Monday, April 26, 2010

The days before the Trip...

shorts and jerseys littered across the living room...

..sorting and packing the uniforms to be taken

the uniform bagging/counting station...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

First Post

We leave for Africa a week from today. It's insane how fast this trip came up, and we still have tons to do before we are fully prepared to leave. I will be taking my computer along with me, and the blog will be updated with stories and photos as I have time...