Sunday, May 23, 2010

Capulana Colour

I thought I would wait till later to announce this, but I figured sooner than later is best...

When we visited Pieter and the villagers of Mukhatini, he gave us a little something to take back to the states with us. Capulana Bags. Now I am sure this phrase conjures up a large question mark, but I will explain.

The ladies of the village are trying to save up enough funds to buy a truck for their village. Their main export is agriculture, and they live virtually in the middle of nowhere (80 or so kilometers outside of Chokwe), so transporting goods to and from market can be tough. So in order to raise funds, a church in Tennessee, Cedar Springs, partnered with the village and together they decided these Bags would be a great way to raise support in the States. The money made is going directly back to the village via Cedar Springs.

Capulana's are local African cloth, decorated with patterns and colorful designs. These village ladies had the ingenious ideas to make purses/bags out of these and Cedar Springs would sell them locally in Tennessee. I will attach a photo after I take one of an already made bag... but essentially, I have 100 bags that we brought back with us, and will sell them when we get back.

The bags look awesome, and the cloth is beautiful. There are many varieties, and each bag is $15. This would be a great way to be a part of the work we were doing there, and support these women in their efforts to support their families and their village! Photos are soon below, if you are interested please let me know, however we won't start selling them for a little while... We are waiting on some more materials/info before they'll go on sale.

It's quite an exciting opportunity to be a part of the project of these women, and to help raise support and awareness for their goal. Please see back to this post as I will update it with more information soon!

1 comment:

  1. cool bags (and I love a nice bag). If you bring some by the SM library I'll buy one)
