I am tired of typing, and don't want all of you to have to read so much - so I will let the photos speak for themselves in this one... with a
few necessary captions here and there. All of these photos are from Beira - a more developed city. You'll see a produce in a market place, apartments, kids playing in the pool beneath our hotel room, the view from our hotel room and more. It's 6:15 in the evening here, everything gets dark pretty quickly (around 5:30) around here. I just spent the last 20 minutes catching frogs with the village kids, waiting for my photos to download. I cannot
believe the size of the frogs here, they barely fit in my hand. And
they eat soo many bugs. All the bugs are on a grand scale here, including the spiders unfortunately...
keaton, these pictures are amazing. it looks like in just the first couple of days your already having a experience of a lifetime, im psyched you get to spend another 2 and a half weeks there. im addicted to your blog so keep on posting. happy for you and miss you buddy.