Thursday, May 6, 2010

First Evening...

Once in Beira, we checked into our hotel, Hotel de Mozambique, where we stayed for 1 night. Beira is a more urban town than Sena, but the poverty level is just as earth shattering. Dogs and people roam the streets, and driving is absolutely INSANE. No street names, no lanes, and everyone speeds.

We walked through one of the city markets one evening, and I carried my camera with me. That, combined with the fact that i was a "mizungo" made me the 'talk of the town,' if you will. Everyone was staring at me... which can get to you after awhile. I stuck out like a sore thumb haha. But a smile and a wave typically got a friendly reaction out of everyone. Once the locals saw my camera, everyone of them wanted me to take their photo.

Beira itself is a very pretty place - and if you can get past the different urban life, and the poverty... and the bugs, you'll be fine. We ate dinner at a place by the name of "Clube de Nautico"(right on the Indian Ocean), which was absolutely phenomenal. I ordered the grilled tiger prawns with curry and rice (Tiffany DeVries, if you are reading, you would have been a very happy camper) and it was amazing.

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